Letter Connection

Letter Connection is a classroom management system developed by Glenwood's very own Mrs. Pat Ray. Letter Connection is a program that builds on the positive reinforcements that contribute to a healthy learning environment. I will be using Letter Connection in my classroom and focusing on behaviors that I would like repeated. For example, when a student returns something important back to school, I may give them a letter R for being responsible. Once a student receives five letters they will be allowed to "cash" in their letters for a prize from a container of various toys, school supplies or an incentive. Incentives will be "sit by a friend at lunch", "skip a homework assignment", "lunch with the teacher", "extra free time", and so forth.

Please feel free to come by our classroom and look at our Letter Connection Posters to see the letters that your child can earn.  Just after the first three days of school, your children are already trying hard to earn letters.